AIDX Can't Hold Up the Entire Stock Market by Itself

Even when Healwell AI (TSX: AIDX)'s market cap begins entering into the billions it won't be able to hold up the entire stock market by itself plus it is a Canadian company.

It is important to recognize Dakota Gold (DC) as today's closest equivalent to Homestake Mining Company.

Take a look below at the Great Depression and how Homestake Mining Company performed vs. the Dow Jones Industrial Average:

Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. NIA is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. NIA has received compensation from AIDX of US$50,000 cash for a six-month marketing contract. NIA has received compensation from DC of US$30,000 cash for a three-month marketing contract. This message is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.