Do You Prefer AAPL at 8.084X Revenue or DAKT at 0.409X Revenue?!

Do you think Apple (AAPL) will continue to rise from its closing price yesterday of $194.50 per share with an enterprise value of 8.084X revenue or do you believe that America's #1 most important digital display company for infrastructure projects and professional sports, Daktronics (DAKT) will outperform it from its closing price yesterday of $6.90 per share with an enterprise value of 0.409X revenue?!

It is a safe bet that DAKT will be trading for 0.50X+ revenue soon, while AAPL will eventually trade for only 2-4X revenue.

We laugh when we hear people talk about AAPL being the "safest long-term investment". Over the long-term, AAPL will get disrupted similar to how Nokia and Blackberry were.

Last quarter, DAKT's revenue grew by 29.38% year-over-year vs. AAPL's revenue declining by 2.51%.

DAKT's profit margins have just hit a new 20-year high vs. AAPL's profit margins having already peaked and likely to decline dramatically.

Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. NIA is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. This message is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold securities. This message is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.