ZDGE Gains by 9.09% to $2.16 Per Share

Zedge (ZDGE) gained by 9.09% today to $2.16 per share.

It's very possible that all of Daktronics (DAKT)'s gains so far since our suggestion will occur for ZDGE in a single day when AI Art Master gets announced.

Another new 1,500 additional AI galleries have been created on AI Art Master since 2:37pm this afternoon, and only 10,000+ people were allowed to download the app during its "soft launch".

ZDGE already has 40 million monthly active users! 500 million+ people have downloaded the Zedge app!

ZDGE's enterprise value is only $15.19 million!

Hypercharge (HCNWF) has an enterprise value of $33 million when only 1,000 people have downloaded their app!

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